April 12, 2004
RSS: All the News That's Fit to Syndicate, or Just Some of It?

Glynn: I'm with Alec. I think having an abstracted version of a long post is a solution, not a problem. This was part of my solution, in fact to the Malkovich effect. There's no sense burdening Planet Gnome with one of my thousand-word blathers about non-Gnome topics. If there was a Planet Climate Change or Planet Slow Bike Racer some of my writing might be more appropriate in an RSS feed. Maybe a multiplicity of feeds is the answer, targeted to a variety of audiences? I know. Custom feeds! Let the person pulling the feed pick what bits they want. (Implementation is left as an exercise for the reader.)

Posted by John Fleck at April 12, 2004 07:27 PM