Paying for resilience

Ian James at The Desert Sun has a great Sunday paper deep dive into the stress climate change is placing on Lower Colorado River Basin water, including this observation from John Entsminger, Las Vegas’s new water chief, on the money needed to pursue the solution space:

Entsminger, whose Las Vegas water agency is backing the new conservation program, called for more investments aimed at saving water on a large scale, including money from the federal government.

“Nothing in our economy is going to work without sufficient water to make it work, from food supplies, to energy production, to making microchips. All of these things are water-intensive and are going to need a secure water supply. So, at what level, locally, regionally or federally, do you begin to look at funding mechanisms to make the investments that are necessary to stretch these water supplies?” Entsminger said. “Ultimately you’ve got to talk about how to pay for it.”

The entire story is worth a read.