1. I colect cactus from all over the world.If you have some seeds please send me.I could also send you some if you want.

  2. I LOVE Cactus! I have some and hope to get more. I tried growing some, they spouted but then didn’t make it. 🙁 But now I’m more knowledged about them so I hope to try again.

  3. hi i am 16 and collect plants i have a aloe,Green spider plant,hostas,Citranella plant,a suculant of some sort, and a green and white spider plant i was looking for a free cactus could some one send me one please. my adress is
    300 west market st
    Greenwood De, 19950
    thank you verry much!

  4. I am in the beginning stages of a cactus garden, I have 5 plants so far. I would love to receive some clippings or
    seeds. Thank you!

    My address:

    Satori Myers
    122 Rock Lake Rd.
    Longwood, FL 32750-3928

  5. HELLO, I’m so glad I found this site!!..I am becoming a hobbist of cactus!..Would love it anyone, could spare some cactus seeds or cactus anything!..I am absolutely in love with this species! THANK YOU!..Sincerely, your unknown, unmet cactus friend! “Have a Great Week All!”
    My mailing address is as follows: Jules VanDerMeer
    9470 Kelly Hwy.

  6. hello my name is mindy and i love cactus if anyones wants to send me free cuttins, cactus i will return the flavor i have a few i’ll trade in return i have other plants i’ll trade also
    mindy sadler
    5755 south state road 145
    french lick,indiana 47432

  7. Hi My name is Shannon I would love to have some free cactus clippings as well if anyone has some to share. Thank You Very Much!!!

    My address Is Shannon Maxwell
    2806 Isherwood Drive #A
    Columbia Mo 65202

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