Global Warming: The Pirate Connection

I think there can no longer be any doubt of a great scientific conspiracy to cover up the connection between increasing global temperatures and the well-documented drop in pirates. Venganza has the goods:

For your interest, I have included a graph of the approximate number of pirates versus the average global temperature over the last 200 years. As you can see, there is a statistically significant inverse relationship between pirates and global temperature.

(Hat tip Luis.)


  1. Pirates?!?!?! wot the hells ur problem m8, wot hav blue bearded twats gota do wif global warmin? u got sum issues pal.


  2. Pirates?!?!?! wot the hells ur problem m8, wot hav blue bearded twats gota do wif global warmin? u got sum issues pal.


  3. i find ur point very tru, as i pirate myself, i find it easier 2 rob people as there is no longer any competition, tel the world!!!!!

    Chris b

  4. i find ur point very tru, as i pirate myself, i find it easier 2 rob people as there is no longer any competition, tel the world!!!!!

    Chris Blackbeard

  5. yo ho me m8ys, as i pirate i feel it my duty to repopulate the seas with pirates and steal spanish gold. We should form a pirate training camp to make an elite army of super pirates as i believe we should bring pirates in2 the 21st centry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its about time we got rid of the of the out d8d wooden ships and exchange then for nuclear subs, changing canons 4 torpedoes and heat seeking misiles.

    Yo Ho me Heartys


    Peter Pan

    Price new nuc sub

    looks like a litle boy bout 500 years old, green suit6 wears tights like a girly girl, dirty landluber hoo flies.

    Yours Truly

    C. Hook

    P.S Any1 who also kills a crocodile that tiks like a clok will also get a free roket launcher and nuc sub

  7. I be thinking da same as Mr Roger and Mr Blackbeard. The pirate army shud be equppied to fight da threats of the 21st century. Stop burning coal for fuel use hydorgen powered submarines equppied with da finest countries nuclear weapons

  8. This is a public Announcement by the World Association of Nautical Gold-Gathers (W.A.N.G)

    We are protectign Peter Pan and any threat to W.A.N.G or Mr.Pan there will be serious consquences, like open war-fare.

    Long John Silver
    President of W.A.N.G

  9. Youl neva catch meh, iv got an army of fairys, your all doomed, DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED ( slow motion for effects ) DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED !!

  10. This is a public Announcement by a Country Under Nuclear Threat (C.U.N.T)

    We are sick of you pirates and your nuclear subs. We have Peter Pan and wish to trade him for the release of our people.

    Kahrisho Nairoshet
    President of C.U.N.T

  11. Hello, Captain Hook, why dont we join forces 2 catch this peter pan, and get some pirate booty while were at it?

    Cpt. Barbosa

  12. This is a public Announcement by a Country Under Nuclear Threat (C.U.N.T)

    Please do not attack, we wish to be peaceful, we will trade Peter Pan to save you ther job and as well as that we will tell you the location of the lost boys home where you can steal their “booty”.

    C.U.N.T President

  13. Hmmmmmm, release some people, and we get a flying twat, hmmmm il hav 2 consider that offer.


    Cpt. j. Sparrow

  14. This is a public Announcement by a Country Under Nuclear Threat (C.U.N.T)

    Ok i’ll even throw in a crocodile that goes tick tock tick tock, so how about it?

    Kahrisho Nairoshet
    President of C.U.N.T

  15. This is a public Announcement by a Country Under Nuclear Threat (C.U.N.T)

    Ok, i’ll meet you by the porno shop on 21st street at 2200 hours 😉

  16. Pirates. In. Social. Security. End. Revalation.

    Hi, Im a PISSER, what are you CUNTS doing? What are your polices and do you really have Peter Pan?


  17. How dare u take peter pan away from me i am his lover!!! PLUS u guys must really be sucky pirates if u cant even catch a 500 year old child…..oooo look out. maybe instead of sitting around letting the C.U.N.T.S do all ur work for u, u should be working on ur pirating skills and catching the kid urself….u call urself pirates no wonder we are suffering from global warming, the pirates that we have SUCK!
    love wendy

  18. Jolly My Roger is now Black Balls!!!!! I’m changin’ meh name to Black Balls!
    I’m with Peter Pan he kicks ass!
    Yer DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED ( slow for effects )

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