Cave Talk

A cool talk tomorrow evening (Thurs. 11/10) in Albuquerque on bats, swallows and the stuff that lives in caves. The speaker is Diana Northup, a cave biologist at UNM and one of my favorite scientists. She’s speaking to the local Audubon Society. From the press release they sent me at work:

“Sight Unseen: The Life of New Mexico Caves”, presented by Prof. Diana E. Northup, a leader in the area of cave research. Bats and cave swallows live in NM caves. But what kind of bats, and what lies beneath the nest of the swallows? Central NM Audubon welcomes everybody to this program on Thursday Nov. 10 at 7:15 p.m. At St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, NW corner of Copper and Jefferson NE.