Lake Powell Down

The AP’s Douglas Pizac reports this week that Lake Powell is seeing less water than expected:

Lake Powell is barely half full and taking a quarter less runoff than expected this year — a sign the Colorado River basin remains in the grip of a multiyear drought, according to a new report from government hydrologists.

For some, Lake Powell is proving its value, keeping water for dry years. Others say the reservoir may never refill and should be drained to reveal the glory of Glen Canyon.

Pizac’s story doesn’t give a lot of detail about “the report” on which this is based, except to say that it was “filed Friday for government officials at dozens of federal and state agencies.” Anyone have any idea what it is and where it might be found?

One Comment

  1. I didn’t realize the AP was a “half-full” kind of organization. I’d say the lake is practically half empty myself.

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