Big Toe Reads Thermometers

Big Toe Reads Thermometers

Originally uploaded by heinemanfleck.

Staff climatologist Big Toe reading the thermometers today in the Inkstain World Headquarters weather station. His first assignment is to analyze data from the IWH thermometers as relates to the official National Weather Service readings. We are attempting to resolve uncertainties about the “urban heat island effect.”

Today’s IWH high was 81. At the Weather Service, the high was 73. Big Toe has concluded, based on this data point, that the urban heat island effect is real.


  1. Big Toe has concluded, based on this data point, that the urban heat island effect is real.

    Therefore, AGW was invented by alarmist, fat AlGore to scare people into banning DDT and returning us to the Middle Ages.



  2. Based on his excellent work so far, I would urge Big Toe to branch out into the critical field of near-term solar cycle impact on climate. Although from the look of him he’ll need to practice squinting before he starts in on those graphs.

  3. There was a standard-template letter to editor in the Rocky Mt News this morning confusing meteorology and climatology; it is unknown whether this is astroturf or ignorance, but perhaps my new favorite character can also begin his efforts at framing what weathertoes do.



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