Melting Glaciers

Johannes Koch of Simon Fraser University says “many” glaciers in Western Canada are the smallest they’ve been in the last 7,000 years:

Glacier retreat in western Canada and other regions is exposing fossil tree stumps, soils, and plant detritus that, until recently, were beneath tens to hundreds of metres of ice. Dating of these fossils indicates that many of these glaciers are smaller today than they have been at any time in the past 7000 years. This evidence, in turn, suggests that glacier recession in the twentieth century is unprecedented during the past several millennia and that glaciers in western Canada have reached minimum extents only 150 years after they achieved their maximum Holocene extent.

Presentation this week at the GSA meeting in Denver.


  1. John, Dr. Gray is giving it his best shot to convince the IPCC to cease, desist and repent. Here is his contribution to the GSA record of knowledge and certain enlightenment:
    on Wednesday; see presentation 187.6.

    GRAY, William M., Atmospheric Science, Colorado State
    University, Fort Collins, CO 80523,

    The role of anthropogenic CO2 as a causal mechanism of the observed global warming over the past 30 years and last century has been exaggerated. Most of this warming is due to natural climatic cycles driven by changes in the mean rate of the ocean’s meridional overturning circulation (MOC).

    The numerical GCM simulations of the influence of human-induced greenhouse gases are flawed due to their inability to realistically model upper-level water vapor. Most GCM’s are programmed to cause increases in upper-level water vapor as global precipitation increases. However, observations over the last 40-50 years indicate that there has been a small decrease in upper-level water vapor associated with increased precipitation and global warming. Evidence will be presented to show that global atmospheric temperature warming over the last 30 years (and the last century) is primarily due to natural changes in salinity-driven deep ocean circulation. Atmospheric and oceanic proxies for the mean rate of meridional ocean circulation (MOC) will be presented that link variations in the mean rate of MOC (with a multi-year lag) to periods of global warming and cooling.

    A discussion of the Atlantic and global variations of tropical cyclone activities over the last 50 years will also be presented. Evidence does not support an anthropogenic component.

    Some people are born to be great and others try.

  2. Glaciers all over the world seem to be not very cooperative with the denial industry. Recall that the NAS hockey stick report relied heavily on the Oerlemans (2005) results showing no sign of a post-LIA climate bump.

    But at a quick glance it appears there may be some other gems among these presentations. In particular, is the mystery of the Heinrich events finally solved? I like the irony of this being the Don Easterbrook lecture, since Don of course continues to spread his manure at this event. Also, let me boldly predict that if confirmed these results will have no effect whatsoever on the sales of the Singer/Avery book or of Fred’s “unstoppable” promotion thereof.

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