Less Water in the Rio

Today, the other shoe drops in the Journal’s coverage of Albuquerque’s new drinking water system:

You will begin drinking, showering and watering your lawn with water from the Rio Grande soon, and there will be less water in the river as a result.
What effect that will have on the Rio Grande, the ecosystem surrounding it and the state’s long-term water supply picture remains the subject of heated debate.
Officials in charge of the project say the effect on the river will be minimal.
“I don’t think you’ll notice,” said John Stomp, who oversees the drinking water project for the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority.
Critics are not so sure.
“They’re trying to minimize the appearance of an impact to the river,” said Steve Harris of Rio Grande Restoration, a group dedicated to preserving the river’s ecosystem, which is still in court fighting the project.