River Beat: only one color needed on the Colorado

The June forecast on the Colorado River is almost an academic exercise at this point. What we’ve got is what we’ve got. But it’s nevertheless notable that the folks at the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center only needed one color this month for their map:

Colorado Basin June 2012 forecast

Colorado Basin June 2012 forecast


  1. So we were up in the Platte basin in mountains ~9200-ish feet two weekends ago.

    The aspen had just leafed out but leaves weren’t near full size yet. The alder were only breaking bud in the best locations, maybe a handful of leaves. Some of the willow were leafing, some not. We kicked around a few places checking soil moisture. Dry, dry, dry, kinda some here, dry, dry, a little here, dry.

    We’re on voluntary water restrictions, and you can already see which houses are complying. What turf we haven’t taken out yet is crunchy in about a third of the area.

    Gonna be a looooooong summer.



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