When there is less water, people use less water, Texas edition

From Bobby Magill, more evidence for my thesis that we’re such profligate water users in the United States that we’ve got lots of room to move as drought and climate change reduce supply:

Eventually, TV station weathercasters began reporting the level of the Edwards Aquifer along with the daily weather forecast, forcing residents there to pay closer attention to their water consumption.

“It’s a culture that’s developed here the last couple of decades that was a result of the Endangered Species Act lawsuit that put a cap on how much water could be pumped from the Edwards Aquifer,” San Antonio Water System spokesman Greg Flores said. “That change in culture and behavior in terms of water use and water efficiency really has driven San Antonio in a different way (from how other Texas cities) embarked on their efforts.”

One Comment

  1. I have to pay a water bill for a place I rent in Boston it to high for me can some one help me?


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