Hey Tucson, I’ll be yammering at the University of Arizona Thursday

Thursday at 4:

With another dry year setting in across the West, the challenges of meeting the water supply needs of a growing population while maintaining our rural communities and a healthy environment are again being thrown in sharp relief. The continuing decline of Lake Mead has become a symbol of deepening problems, but there are also less-noticed examples of success – in conserving water and sharing in times of scarcity – which we need to understand in order to craft solutions.

John Fleck – A former journalist with 30 years’ experience writing about water in the West. John Fleck joined the University of New Mexico faculty in 2017, where he directs the university’s Water Resources Program. He is the author of Water is For Fighting Over: and Other Myths About Water in the West, an account of the roots of the region’s water problems combined with an optimistic narrative about our growing success in solving them.

Refreshments will be served. (emphasis added)


One Comment

  1. Darn, I’ll be at work. What is the worst case scenario, will Tucson get any emergency water from Colorado River? How long will Tucson’s groundwater last if we severely ration and get zero water from the River?

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