Water Wars – What are they Good For? Webinar, March 15

I’ll be joining Tim Quinn, former executive director of the Association of California Water Agencies; and Tracy Quinn, Director, California Urban Water Policy, Healthy People & Thriving Communities Program at the NRDC (and also a board of of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California) in a webinar to talk about collaboration and conflict around water:

A week doesn’t go by without someone saying there are water wars underway or about to kick off in California. How we manage and govern water is critically important to people, the environment, and the economy. But, are we really at war? Really? Do we believe there are always victors and vanquished? What is the impact of telling ourselves and others this is warfare, when in reality it is simply the messiness of working together in community?

So, we’ve gathered a panel to answer the question: Water wars, what are they good for?

Chris Austin (California’s Water Maven), along with the super interesting Mike Antos, a social scientist smart in the ways of water collaboration, plus the always fascinating Lisa Beutler. (Mike and Lisa are with Stantec.)

After a super interesting brainstorming call this afternoon with the five of them, I’m really excited about the conversation. This’ll be fun, please join us, sign up here.

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