New bike day. Meet the Space Ghost.
I got a couple of alarmed emails from friends after the last cryptic blog post, the one about how I can’t be broken.
The post was aimed at a couple friends who I knew would get the reference. I forget that other people read this too, sorry. Your emails of concern made me feel loved, so that’s good.
Love’s good right now.
Context from this IFHT song. It’s a punk rock ear worm (thanks, R!) about a guy whose life is falling apart, but then he gets a new bike:
It’s new bike day and I can’t be brokenIt’s new bike day and I get to ride
I might be broke and alone but there’s rubber and chrome
On new bike day and I feel alive
Seemed to upbeat a song to indicate dire circumstances. Glad all is well.
The TWD boyos do the bizniz. They’ve built a few bikes for me over the past decade, and another oddball project will be in the hopper directly. They also keep the fleet of weirdomobiles I brought with me from Bibleburg rolling smoove like butta on the mean streets and spiky trails of The Duck! City.
Thanks! Also was a little worried . . . .
And for someone looking out at 4″ of snow (more forecast) & 25degree temps, ‘New Bike Day’ exactly what I needed today.