Think Globally, Trade Emissions Locally

A British research group is suggesting a sort of localized version of Kyoto-style emissions trading, according to the BBC:

Every man and woman in the country could be issued with a fixed number of permits to pollute the atmosphere under an idea from government-sponsored researchers. It’s been proposed by academics at the Tyndall Centre – one of Britain’s top institutes for climate change policy.

They say it’s the best way of helping Britain hit its long-term target of cutting by 60% the emissions thought to be changing the climate. People living simple lifestyles could make money by selling their excess pollution permits to those wanting to live in the fast lane.

(Thanks to Mike Newman for the link.)

One Comment

  1. “Every man and woman in the country could be issued with a fixed number of permits to pollute the atmosphere…”

    I want to eat some beans tonight, let’s go buy some permits.

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