Tuesday Night Crits

OK, the thing is, it rained. There was a bike race and stuff, but after 72 consecutive days without measurable precipitation in Albuquerque, the gentle sprinkle the whole time I was racing tonight was a desert blessing.

rainbow over Albuquerque

Rainbows are tough to shoot, but you get the idea. Look close. It’s a double rainbow.

The race was not as good, but not bad. The problem was that when I reached in my bike stuff box to grab my shoes this evening, there were no shoes. The 45 minute drive home to get them and back to the race meant I couldn’t race the old farts’ race, so I was stuck trying to hang with the pack in the “C” race. I managed to only get lapped once this time out, which is an improvement. Some of the laps in a pack, some doing paceline with another guy, and some out on my own. 23.3 mph.

I told Bill my shoe sob story. “Every time I get in the car to go to a bike ride,” he said, “I always touch my helmet and touch my shoes.” Good advice. I won’t forget again.


  1. See, the crusty old guy in his woolens and sew-ups wouldn’t have that problem, because his toe clips accept any old shoe… :o)

    Good story, John. Keep ’em coming.


  2. Lovely photo. Really gives a good feel for a storm over a landscape that has not been watered in a while.

    A shame you couldn’t have rung ahead and got the white truck towed before taking the photo, though — it’s not quite the right color for the rest of the image.

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