- paper of the day: From Jia-Lin Lin at the Climate Diagnostics Center in Boulder, more evidence that the models don’t get El Nino right
- real climate: From the Climate Prediction Center: La Nina’s roaring back
- real climate II: I saw on yesterday’s bike ride that the Rio Grande is back down, under 1,300 cubic feet per second through Albuquerque, exposing some beautiful sandbars. The official high was 94 F (34.5 C) in Albuquerque, 99 F (37 F) on the urban heat island at my house.
- reading: Baseball Between the Numbers: Why Everything You Know About the Game Is Wrong
– great essays from the statheads at Baseball Prospectus, including more on why Derek Jeter is an overrated shortstop (but man is he fun to watch!)
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Close to the source, the Rio Grande is still filling its banks, as is the Arkansas. Must be hot down there and evaporation working…