Daybook (Nightbook?)

  • reading: Endangered Species, Steve Younger’s discussion of the complexities of being a pacifist nuclear weapons designer
  • reading II: Just finished – Howl on Trial, a collection of letters from in and around the time of the publication of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, along with transcripts of the obscenity trial that are an absolute hoot.
  • music: Epistrophy, on the recommendation of the guy at Natural Sound in Albuquerque. It’s a performance by Charlie Rouse, a longtime sideman to Thelonious Monk, doing a tribute of Monk’s music.
  • writing/paper of the day: I’m working on a piece about Maya Elrick and Linda Hinnov’s collection of deep paleo records in sedimentary rocks ((Millennial-scale paleoclimate cycles recorded in widespread Palaeozoic deeper water rhythmites of North America, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,Volume 243, Issues 3-4, 22 January 2007, Pages 348-372)) suggesting that millennial-scale variability is a permanent feature.
  • line of the day: “listening to the crack of doom on the hydrogen jukebox,” from Howl, though it’s a sound that Steve Younger (see reading, above) also has heard up close