
  • paper of the day: More melting, this time in British Columbia. “The recent rate of glacier loss in the Coast Mountains (17.0 km?3a?1) is approximately double that observed for the previous two decades.”
  • reading: Super Crunchers – yet more on why the algorithms are smarter than the humans and will eventually take over the world and become our dangerous, computer-driven overlords. Bow down before multi-variate regressions.
  • riding: The Double Eagle Time Trial series is over for the year. I removed the time trial bars from the bike this morning, restoring it to its normal bikely goodness. For last night’s finale, nature served up not only thunderstorms dancing across the city but a genuine brush fire.
  • drought: The big bloody mess that is the drought map of the southeastern U.S. just keeps getting worse. North Carolina is now hitting the panic button.