In Albuquerque, a record for July unpleasantness

Graph with white background, green line showing rising average Albuquerque temperature for July since 1891

Courtesy xmACIS

July is, in general, Albuquerque’s hottest month. This year’s was the hottest July we ever had.

All kind of weather records….

  • Average overnight low of 72.3F was the warmest for that measure in a dataset going back to 1892.
  • Total measured precipitation at the airport, our official measurement station, was just a trace – tied for driest since 1892.
    • With a similar record for June (tied with a bunch of “T’s” in the record) this is driest summer “rainy season” we’ve had since record-keeping began
  • Average high of 99F was a smidge below 1980’s record 99.1

It’s worth noting what my econometric colleagues would quickly point out here as “colinearity” – these aren’t fully independent variables. This is the point where I smile, nod knowingly, and leave the details to smart graduate students.

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